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Staff volunteering

As part of Brunel’s commitment to staff development and the local community, the University operates an employer-supported volunteering scheme, which allows permanent staff thirty-six hours a year to volunteer with organisations in the London Borough of Hillingdon.

For full details on staff volunteering, please email marsha.thompson@brunel.ac.uk 

Permission from your line manager must be sought before applying for any volunteer roles. Adequate notice must be given of the intention to take such leave.

Why volunteer?

Volunteering offers an opportunity to actively contribute to the communities in which volunteers work (and may also live). Volunteers use their knowledge, skills and experiences to support community or voluntary sector organisations in their service delivery or strategic development.

Volunteering is also a great way to develop skills and engage with new people by taking on exciting and rewarding challenges. Volunteering benefits the local community, you and the University.

Opportunities are wide-ranging: from individual placements drawing upon a volunteer’s professional experience, to departmental team challenges involving practical tasks.

How to get started

  1. Brunel Volunteers have identified a number of opportunities that are suitable for staff.
  2. Once you have chosen a volunteering role, please download and complete the Staff Volunteering Application Form which must be signed by your line manager and returned to brunelvolunteers@brunel.ac.uk.
  3. A Brunel Volunteer staff member will be in touch with you to organise a meeting with your chosen charity.
  4. Once you begin volunteering you will be sent a monthly timesheet, which we kindly ask you to complete.